7 Yoga Poses To Ensure A Restful Night After Dinner

7 Yoga Poses To Ensure A Restful Night After Dinner
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Yoga is an exercise that is practiced since time immemorial, which focuses a lot on bodily stretches and rhythmic breathing, it is known to bring about various health benefits if practiced regularly. There are all kinds of asana which are beneficial for different medical conditions. Yoga practice, practically goes on throughout the day for e.g. When you wake up in the morning and stretch your body is also an asana (Yastikasana ), when you go to the washroom that is also an asana (malasana), when you relax after meals is also an asana (dradhasana) etc. Of course the best time to practice asana is early in the morning, but being a householder it is difficult to stick to a strict schedule every time. So one can practice asana at a convenient time keeping gap of two hour post meal time. There are also couple of Yoga Poses for sleep that can be performed post dinner.

There are several posture in the practise of yoga that tend to be fairly demanding in terms of Stretching endurance, and agility. If you do these workouts after dinnertime, they may interfere with how well you digest. As a result, caution is required.

Let’s have a look at the effective poses of Yoga after dinner:

1. Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana):

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This is one of the most popular yoga poses. This pose can be performed at any time of the day. However, this pose helps better bowel movement and affects the abdomen. Performing this asana is easy. Place your palms a little over shoulder-width apart. Keeping your toes tucked in; proceed to raise your hips. Your chest should move back along with the thighs. The knees should be bent. Remember that the hips should be high; keeping the sole grounded isn’t as important. Hold the position for around 10-15 seconds. Repeat.

2. Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana):

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The uttanasana, or the standing forward bending pose, is good for the gastrointestinal tract. It helps push food along the tract and helps relieve constipation or the bloated feeling. To perform this asana, keep your knees bent and try to reach over your stomach and grasp the back of both knees. Ideally, you should feel tension in your hamstrings. If you don’t experience any tension, consider straightening your legs. Hold this pose for about 15-20 seconds. Repeat.

3. Camel Pose (Ustrasana):

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The camel pose is an effective pose of yoga for digestion after eating, and is also a great exercise for the back. It appears to be difficult to do, and it has been rumored to adversely affect the back. However, studies have proved that Ustrasana not only strengthens the back muscles, but also eases stomach problems and aids digestion.

4. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana):

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The Dhanurasana, or the bow pose, is another asana that is good for relieving constipation and easing a bloated stomach. It has also been proved to help tone the back, the abdomen and contribute to body flexibility. It is a bit tricky to perform and doesn’t appear all that comfortable. Indulge in gentle movements and once you get to the final position, hold the pose for 15-20 seconds before release.

5. Child’s Pose (Balasana):

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Balasana, or the child’s pose, is another asana that is designed to help clear a bloated stomach and ease indigestion. It is one of the most effective yoga asanas after dinner. To perform balasana, begin from a kneeling position and tuck your chest into your thighs and keep the forehead on the ground. Keep your arms straight at the body’s side. Take a few slow, full breaths. Hold this pose for around 10-15 seconds. Repeat.

6. Wind Releasing Pose/Wind Removing Pose/Wind Liberating Pose (Pawanmuktasana):

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This pose is designed to help rid you of bloating by making you break the wind. Thus, you must be performing this pose all alone. To perform, roll onto your back, inhale and hold your right knee against your chest. Begin rocking the knee side-to-side to massage your abdominal organs. Take a few deep breaths and switch legs and begin rocking the right knee.

7. Corpse Pose (Savasana):

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The lazy person’s favorite pose and a great asana for relaxation, the savasana, is designed to help you improve body processes. It helps you get revitalized by helping you recover all the energy you lost performing all these asanas listed above. Getting into position is simple. Lie on your back, keep your hands by your sides, with your palms facing the sky and close your eyes. Hold position for 15-20 minutes. Keeping your eyes closed; concentrate on your breathing pattern. This pose is often substituted by the Padmasana (seated pose) for meditation. Usually, you should end your yoga with this pose.

After an exhausting day, practicing a few yoga poses for good sleep after dinner is the correct way to get comfortable and get a blissful sleep. The yoga for better sleep mentioned above will surely help improve your bowel movements, enhance gastrointestinal health, reduce bloating, ease constipation, promote digestion, resolve stomach issues, improve flexibility, also relax and revitalize your body. Moreover, these poses are very easy to Practice and extremely effective. So, if you are having difficulty with digestion and are unable to get a good night’s sleep, be sure to practice these poses post-dinner and see the outcome for yourself.

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