All Purpose Healing Salve – Natural Remedy for Dry & Irritated Skin

All Purpose Healing Salve – Natural Remedy for Dry & Irritated Skin
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When you have little ones at home, the stream of boo-boos, bug bites, and itchy skin can feel endless. I prefer to keep things simple, and that’s why I’ve embraced essential oils. I’ve streamlined my shelf to a minimalist collection of essential oils and holistic remedies.

This versatile salve serves multiple purposes. The coconut oil and olive oil provide nourishment, while the beeswax locks in moisture, promotes cell regeneration, and shields the skin from environmental damage. For children, the two essential oils I highly recommend are melaleuca and lavender.

Melaleuca, also known as tea tree oil, is celebrated for its skin-cleansing and rejuvenating properties. Lavender, considered a universal oil, offers extensive benefits for various conditions. Combining these two oils creates a potent remedy for relief.

Rest assured, this salve is safe for cloth diapers and suitable for newborns. The essential oil dosages in this recipe adhere to the recommendations for newborns, emphasizing the use of safe essential oils with therapeutic benefits. Keep this salve within reach for all your needs!

All Purpose Healing Salve


  • 1/2 cup of Coconut Oil
  • 1/2 cup of Olive Oil
  • 1/4 Cup of Beeswax – but find a local beekeeper! I got a 1 lb block for $6.99 at a local co-op!
  • 1 Cup of Calendula Flowers – I got it for $.50 at a local co-op!
  • 15 drops of (add 10 drops more for children over 10)
  • 15 drops of (add 10 drops more for children over 10)


  1. Put the coconut oil and olive oil in a double boiler. Melt the coconut oil if it isn’t melted already.
  2. Add the calendula flower petals (dried) and simmer on low for around 2 hours. Make sure to stir a few times during the process. You can also add the oil and calendula to a crockpot and put on low for up to 3 hours.
  3. Strain the mixture into a bowl through a cheesecloth.
  4. Now add the calendula oil back to the saucepan and add the beeswax. Melt the beeswax.
  5. Remove from heat and let cool for around 15 minutes.
  6. Add the essential oils and stir.
  7. Pour into a glass jar and store for up to a year! Makes 1 cup!


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