All Natural Homemade Coconut Oil Toothpaste

All Natural Homemade Coconut Oil Toothpaste
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Once upon a time, in the labyrinth of the internet, I stumbled upon an unexpected treasure—a recipe for a natural toothpaste made with the magical elixir of coconut oil. The journey began with a casual scroll through wellness blogs and DIY beauty concoctions.

One lazy Sunday afternoon, as the sun lazily streamed through my window, I found myself lost in the captivating world of homemade remedies. As I navigated through pages filled with tips and tricks for a more natural lifestyle, a particular recipe caught my eye—a toothpaste crafted from the simplicity of coconut oil.

Intrigued, I delved into the details. The recipe was a symphony of simplicity: coconut oil, baking soda, a dash of peppermint essential oil, and a hint of stevia for sweetness. The idea of creating my toothpaste with common kitchen ingredients fascinated me. It was a revelation, an invitation to explore a realm where personal care met the purity of nature.

Armed with newfound enthusiasm, I embarked on a quest to gather the ingredients. The kitchen became my alchemical laboratory, and coconut oil, my star ingredient, took center stage. With a measure of baking soda and a drop of peppermint oil, a transformation unfolded. The mixture, once a medley of separate entities, melded into a creamy, aromatic paste.

As I dipped my toothbrush into the concoction, a burst of minty freshness enveloped my senses. The silky texture of the coconut oil glided across my teeth, leaving a refreshing trail. It was a revelation—a dental ritual that felt both ancient and novel.

Days turned into weeks, and my homemade coconut oil toothpaste became a cherished part of my daily routine. The gentle abrasiveness of baking soda scrubbed away the day’s remnants, while the coconut oil, like a guardian, stood against bacteria and plaque. My teeth gleamed with newfound vitality, and I reveled in the simplicity of this natural revelation.

The coconut oil toothpaste not only transformed my oral care but sparked a broader awakening. It was a reminder that nature held the key to unexplored realms of well-being. The kitchen, once confined to culinary adventures, now became a haven for crafting elixirs that celebrated simplicity and authenticity.

And so, the story unfolded—an accidental discovery in the vast expanse of the internet led to a daily ritual infused with the essence of coconut oil. In this journey, I found not just a toothpaste recipe, but a newfound appreciation for the wonders hidden in the heart of nature.

All Natural Homemade Coconut Oil Toothpaste

This creamy, all natural coconut oil toothpaste is super easy to make and will leave your mouth feeling fresh and your teeth looking brighter!


  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil, softened
  • 4 Tbsp. of baking soda
  • 2 Tbsp. of xylitol (or to taste)
  • 1/2 Tbsp. MCT oil
  • 10-40 drops of essential oil


  1. Measure out all ingredients and add them to a tall, wide-mouth mason jar.
  2. Using an immersion stick blender, blend all the ingredients together until the mixture is fully blended and has become smooth and creamy. (Alternative: If you don’t have a stick blender, you can also melt the coconut oil and stir in the remaining ingredients by hand.)
  3. Pour mixture into two clean 4-ounce ball jars or other small glass jars and cover with a lid. I personally like and use these colorful lids in our house to color-code each person’s jar of toothpaste.
  4. When ready to use, scoop a clean, dry toothbrush into the toothpaste jar to get a bit of toothpaste onto your toothbrush. Brush your teeth and enjoy!

*Baking soda makes this recipe taste a little bit on the salty side (it IS sodium bicarbonate, after all) but the essential oils should help mask this saltiness slightly. If the saltiness bothers you, try adding a bit more essential oils and/or drop the baking soda amount down to 3 tablespoons. I’ve found that our kids were not a huge fan of the saltiness at first but easily got used to it after a few days. Now they love the taste of this toothpaste!

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