How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally

How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally
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It’s that time of year. The weather is warm, the windows are open letting in a breeze, and the ants are joining us once again.

It seems it happens the same way every year. I see one of those little guys and think it’s annoying.

It’s that time of year. The weather is warm, the windows are open letting in a breeze, and the ants are joining us once again.

It seems it happens the same way every year. I see one of those little guys and think it’s annoying.

Especially in our kitchen where we seem to get them the most.

I am always looking for a natural (and inexpensive!) way to get rid of ants. Over the years, I have tried quite a few different methods, and these are a few of my favorites.

So if you have those little buggers all over your house check out these great ways to get rid of ants naturally.

How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally

There are a variety of different ways to get rid of ants naturally.

Some smell great and others are a little stinky. Some of the things you may need to get rid of the ants are:

  • garlic (minced)
  • peppermint oil
  • vinegar
  • cinnamon (ground from the spice section)
  • cornmeal
using garlic to get rid of ants

How To Get Rid Of Ants With Garlic

Garlic is one of the best ways to get rid of ants naturally. I have used it multiple times with success. The downside to garlic is it smells.

So, on a hot day, you will be smelling that garlic all day long.

Just set out a small bowl with some minced garlic and the ants disappear.

After a couple of days, you can throw the garlic out and the ants should be gone.

Cornmeal To Kill Ants

Cornmeal is a very inexpensive way to kill off ants. Just lay out a small hill of cornmeal and they will take it back to their home.

The ants can’t digest the cornmeal and they will all die.

This is a good one to use if you have small children or pets and don’t want them getting into garlic or peppermint oil.

vinegar spray to kill ants

Get Rid Of Ants Naturally With Vinegar

To get rid of ants naturally with vinegar just mix up a spray bottle of 50 percent water and 50 percent vinegar.

Spray all the ants and then wipe them up. You can keep them from coming back by spraying down the windowsills and doors where you see them coming in.

It’s easy and quick to do, plus you don’t have a mess.

peppermint oil on a cotton ball to deter ants

Peppermint Oil To Keep Ants Away

Peppermint oil is a great smelling way to get rid of ants. Just put a couple of drops of peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place by where the ants are.

The ants will retreat to where they came from and you will have a kitchen that smells wonderful.

ground cinnamon to keep ants away

Cinnamon To Get Rid Of Ants

Much like the peppermint, cinnamon is a better smelling option to keep the ants away.

Just pick up some cheap ground cinnamon and sprinkle in the areas that you have seen the ants.

The ants will quickly leave and not come back. It’s easy and smells great! It’s one of my favorite ways to get rid of ants naturally.

keep crumbs off countertop to prevent ants

Keep Countertops Cleaned From Crumbs

Another good way of getting rid of the ants is to keep your kitchen clean of any crumbs and dirty dishes.

I am not surprised that our ants came while our dishwasher was broken. I wasn’t staying on top of washing each dish when we finished with it and attracted some ants with our leftovers.

By making sure that all the crumbs and food are gone you will leave them looking somewhere else.

NOTE: If you have children or small pets you will still need to be careful where you use these methods.

My ants are usually on the kitchen counter, so I don’t have to worry about putting garlic out for the ants. When I have ants on the floor I use the vinegar method so the dogs don’t get into any food.

Next time you see some ants, don’t grab the ant spray. Try these easy and frugal ways to get rid of ants naturally.

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